09 August 2014

WhatsApp+ 6.12D Cracked APK

WhatsApp+ 6.12D Cracked apk

an update from previous version v6.10D, this version have changelog as the following below:

New MOD 1.2.27s to resize emojticons size
Other improvements and bux fixes

WhatsApp 6.12D Cracked

With this MODDED WhatsApp You can increase quality of pictures sent (by default resolution is decreased quite a lot) You can share music just with one click You can add contact profile pictures to their chats You can hide contact profile pictures and show phonebook pictures (in chat screen) Built-in theme viewer and downloader. Check WhatsApp+ users themes online and apply theme if you like And more to come Remember to previously uninstall whatsapp if you come from the official version (if not you will get the "not installed" error)

WhatsApp+ 6.12D Cracked apk

2 comment

Its not working too same others...whenever click on privacy features goes force close...privacy features might enable after force close but not working..plz help me

it is an old release... please check the date

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