Advanced Download Manager Pro (ADM Pro) v3.6.3 APK

Requirements: Android 4.0+
Download up to three files simultaneously

- download up to three files simultaneously;
- accelerated download by using multithreading (9 parts)
- interception of links from the browser and clipboard;
- icon of the program and downloading progress in the notification panel;
- backup list of downloads and settings on SD card;
- completion notification by sound and vibration;
- resume after reconnection or program restart;
- save different file types in different folders;
- built-in browser for sites with registration;
- plan files download on a schedule;
- widget on your home screen;
- site manager;
- and many more...
Add links from browser:
- press on link and from the window "Complete action using" select ADM (supported by Stock Browser, Dolphin, Boat Browser, Chrome)
- long press on a link to display the context menu, press "Share link" and from the window "Share via" select ADM (supported by Firefox, Skyfire, Stock Browser, Dolphin, Boat Browser)
- copy the link and the service will intercept the link (supported by Maxthon)
- press on the download to start/stop the process;
- press on the completed download to open the file;
- long press on download to display the context menu.
YouTube is not supported under the rules of Google.
What's New
1. Fixed buttons "Download" for sites that are opened via ADM Browser (for downloading files register on site before first use)
2. Added option Settings - Data - Clear cache of program (user data, such as: list of downloads and browser bookmarks, settings, etc. will be saved)
3. Improved options Auto resume after errors and break connection.
Download Advanced Download Manager Pro 3.6.3 APK
If you experience difficulties with downloading Advanced Download Manager Pro v3.6.3 APK on tusfiles, please try to login first before download (it's free to create an account), and then try using UC Browser you can download HERE (Direct Download)
I personally use UC Browser for download from tusfile, and so far always successful without problem.
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