19 September 2014

Shazam Encore 4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

Requirements: Android 2.3.0 and up

Shazam recognizes music and media playing around you.

Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

Shazam is the best way to identify music and TV. In seconds you’ll know the name of any song, or more about what you’re watching - touch to Shazam to start your journey.
Once you Shazam music, you can easily:
• Preview and buy tracks on Amazon or Google Play
• Sing along to the beat with real time lyrics
• Share your discoveries on any social network
• Watch music videos on YouTube
• Listen to full tracks with Rdio, Spotify or Deezer
• Connect to Rdio to create a playlist of your Shazamed tracks, or add tracks to any Rdio playlist
• See song recommendations from others like you
You can also use Shazam with TV:
• Shazam your favorite TV shows for the cast, soundtracks, and more
• Shazam ads to watch again, share with friends, or get special offers
Want even more?
• Go to shazam.com/myshazam to see your entire Shazam history; sign in to Facebook to get started
• Check out News to discover great new videos, updates and more, from artists and TV shows
you’ve Shazamed; plus see what your friends are Shazaming
• Explore shows you what’s trending around the world and zoom in for local chart knowledge
• Book concert tickets for artists you’ve Shazamed
Use Shazam as much as you like – it’s unlimited.
MIPS devices are not supported
Why does Shazam need these app permissions? _https://support.shazam.com/entries/29632198

What's New
Minor bug fixes.
It's never been easier to play and buy the music you discover with Shazam. You can now purchase tracks straight from Google Play and listen to full tracks with Google Play Music All Access.
Got a question? Take a look at our community pages on [url]http://support.shazam.com[/url] and don’t forget to follow @shazam to keep up to date with all the latest news.
Happy Shazaming!

Download Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK

If you experience difficulties with downloading Shazam Encore v4.9.2-14091812-f47d5aa APK on tusfiles, please try to login first before download (it's free to create an account), and then try using UC Browser you can download HERE (Direct Download)

I personally use UC Browser for download from tusfile, and so far always successful without problem.

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