24 September 2014

Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

Requirements: Android 1.5 and up

Easily the most feature-filled Android-PC remote. Turns your Android device
into a WiFi or Bluetooth remote control for your Windows PC. Control your
favorite programs, mouse, and keyboard.

Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

Easily the most feature-filled Android-PC remote. Turns your Android device into a WiFi or Bluetooth universal remote control for your Windows PC. Mac and Linux support also available (beta). Control your favorite programs, mouse, and keyboard.



“Fantastic tool for those of you who want to have a remote control for their computer for watching TV, or maybe for listening to music.” – Gizmodo


* Supports Windows, Mac, and Linux.
* IR Actions (full only!)
* Quick Actions (full only!)
* Widgets (full only!)
* NFC actions (full only!)
* Custom Remotes (full only!)
* WiFi (TCP/UDP)
* Bluetooth
* Easy server and app setup
* Comprehensive server manager
* Automatic server detection
* Clear connection troubleshooting
* Custom/Android keyboard support
* Single/Multi touch mouse
* Hardware volume control
* Quick Switch using swipe gestures
* Quickly change servers
* Auto-pause media for phone calls
* Homescreen shortcuts to remotes
* Wake On Lan
* Server password protection
* 256-bit AES encryption
* Voice commands (full only!)
* Samsung Multi Window (full only!)


* Basic Input (Mouse & Keyboard)
* File Manager
* Keyboard
* Media
* Power
* Scroll Wheel
* Slide Show
* Spotify
* Start / Launcher
* Task Manager
* Windows Media Center
* Windows Media Player
* VLC (Keyboard)
* YouTube


* Create and use Custom Remotes
* Boxee (Keyboard)
* Boxee (Web)
* BSPlayer
* Command
* Chrome
* Firefox
* foobar2000
* GOM Player
* Google Music
* Google Presentation
* Hulu Desktop
* Hulu Web
* Internet Explorer
* iPhoto
* iTunes
* J River Media Center
* Keynote
* KMPlayer
* Mac OS X
* Magnifier
* Media Portal
* MediaMonkey
* Monitor
* MusicBee
* Navigation
* Netflix
* Numpad
* Opera
* Pandora
* Picasa
* Plex
* PowerPoint Advanced
* PowerPoint Basic
* QuickTime Player
* Safari
* Send Text
* Spotify Advanced
* Tellstick
* Tellstick Live
* Twitch TV
* Winamp
* Windows 8
* Windows Photo Viewer
* VLC (Web)
* XBMC (Keyboard)
* XBMC Advanced

Note that some remotes are only available for certain operating systems. Check our web site for more details.


INTERNET: for server connection.
BLUETOOTH: for server connection.
WAKE_LOCK: for optional wake-lock.
READ_PHONE_STATE: for auto-pause.
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: for server connection.
VIBRATE: for optional haptic feedback.
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: for server connection.
NFC: for NFC actions.
INSTALL_SHORTCUT: for launcher shortcuts.
CHECK_LICENSE : for licensing checking.
TRANSMIT_IR: for IR remote control.

E-mail us if you have any questions about the permissions required.

What's New
Known issue: widgets randomly fail to load.
• Fixed WOL issue.
• Fixed missing voice on/off settings.
• Fixed editor issues.
• Fixed keyboard typo.
• Fixed F keys.
• Fixed back behavior.
Free + Full Version:
• Complete UI overhaul
• New navigation
• New server manager
• New quick switch menu
• New mouse overlay
Full Version:
• New extended remotes lists
• New extended keyboard board
• New media bar
• New widget editor
• New quick actions editor

Download Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK

If you experience difficulties with downloading Unified Remote Full 3.0.24 APK on tusfiles, please try to login first before download (it's free to create an account), and then try using UC Browser you can download HERE (Direct Download)

I personally use UC Browser for download from tusfile, and so far always successful without problem.

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