Weather Timeline - Forecast 1.0.10 APK
Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
Weather Timeline is a simple weather app that focuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and the next week so you don't have to.
It presents the forecast in a timeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information and has a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. The app includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosen locations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you can look at the forecast months, even years in advance or check what the weather was like several decades ago.
- Simple, elegant design
- Bold use of color to increase legibility
- Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at the information
- Time machine forecasting to check the whether months/years in advance
- Local weather alerts front and centre
- Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast
What's New
- Widget with 4 day forecast
- Added dew point, moon phase and humidity if tap current box
- Minor radar improvements
- Transparent status bar for 4.4+
- Manual refresh in menu
- Added smaller weather alert option
- Dashclock fixes
- Added neutral theme to dim down colours
- Widgets are now customisable
- Bug fixes
Free Download Weather Timeline - Forecast 1.0.10 APK
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