24 January 2015

Solid Explorer 2.0 Alpha 150123.C.1 APK

App Name: Solid Explorer
Version: 2.0 Alpha 150123.C.1
Package Name: pl.solidexplorer2
Requirements: Android 1.6 and up

Solid Explorer 2.0 Alpha 150123.C.1 APK
Solid Explorer 2.0 Alpha 150123.C.1 APK

This is Solid Explorer 2.0 Alpha. Please read this text before using the application to avoid any potential problems. This is not a complete product so you should be careful while playing with it.

The application will crash from time to time. This is normal and the more crashes, the better.

Performing operations on files without a backup is highly discouraged. Please be careful with that. I don't take any resposibility for lost files.

Do not modify system files needed for proper OS functionality. If you want to play with root access, create a temporary direcory in safe place and use it as your playground.

There are two ways of sharing your feedback.

1. Post ideas and suggestions on support forum.
If you have any cool ideas or suggestions, post them on the support forum rather than send an emd1 a good place for discussion. There is a shortcut in app menu, which will take you to this site.

2. Report bugs with in-app option.
For bug reports, please use the "Send bug report" option in app menu. It's available in the drawer or the bottom toolbar. This is a recommended way of contact in case of any problems. It will automatically attach logs and device information and send them via email. You are free to include any additional data in the message. You can also post it on the support forum, but please do it only after sending the report message first.

Known issues
The application is not complete. Missing features from old Solid Explorer will be added during further development.
The application may crash during archive creation.
You may experience some UI stutters and glitches you wouldn't except.

Have fun!

What's New
  • optimized for tablets
  • two experimental view modes (they will probably be merged with List and Compact)
  • classic mode temporarily removed
  • one navigation drawer instead of two
  • added single panel mode for landscape orientation
  • soft input adjustment
  • black artifacts on some devices
  • operation window layout (the green checkmark was misaligned sometimes)
  • proper storage recognition
  • file transfers between storages
  • crash fixes

NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading on tusfiles, please try to login first before download (it's free to create an account), and then try use UC Browser, you can download HERE (Direct Download)

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2.Comments which are out of topic and/or have ACTIVE link(s) will be removed.
Thanks for understanding