26 May 2015

Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK

Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK

You are herehttp://www.underclassblog.com/2015/05/reverse-movie-fx-pro-magic-video-1-2-4-apk.html, Viewing:

App Name: Reverse Movie FX Pro - Movie Magic
Version: 1.2.4 Unlocked
Package Name: com.mobile.bizo.reverse
Requirements: Android 2.3.3 and higher
File Size: 32.1 MB

Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK

Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK

www.underclassblog.comReverse Movie FX is an app that lets you create a reverse video that looks like a magic trick!

First record a video of someone (or you): walking, drinking orange juice, talking or any other idea that comes to your head! After that select a desired movie fragment and press start! The app will reverse your video: you will see people walking backwards, your friend spitting the juice out, people talking backwards!

A few ideas of video reverse:
  • item kinetic attraction (you have to throw an item)
  • tear a sheet of paper
  • throwing a sheet of papier to the toilet
  • drinking a juice (and spitting it out as a result)
  • spilling a juice
  • money attracting
  • etc.

Reversing options:
  • Add music
  • reversed + original
  • original + reversed

Give it a try, you'll be amazed! You can share the result with your friends of course anywhere you want: facebook, e-mail etc.

record icon made by http://www.flaticon.com

What's New
- fixed more bugs on some devices

NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK on tusfiles, please try to login first before download (it's free to create an account), and then try use UC Browser, you can download HERE (Direct Download)

Reverse Movie FX PRO - magic video 1.2.4 APK Posted on http://www.underclassblog.com/2015/05/reverse-movie-fx-pro-magic-video-1-2-4-apk.html

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