You are here, Viewing: SD Maid Pro 4.5.0 Beta (http://www.underclassblog.com/2016/12/sd-maid-pro-4-5-0-beta-patched-apk.html)
App Name: SD Maid Pro - System Cleaning Tool
Version: 4.5.0 BETA Patched
Package Name: eu.thedarken.sdm
Requirements: Varies with device
File Size: 5.3 MB

www.underclassblog.com — This is a powerful tool! Use at own risk!
Nobody is perfect and Android neither.
Apps you have already deleted, sometimes leave data behind.
The system constantly creates logs, crash reports and debug files you don't really need.
Your SD-card is collecting files and directories you don't recognize.
Lets not go on here...
Why not get a maid to clean it all up?
SD Maid Pro will help you keep your device neat, clean and tidy
Give it a try, you won't find a more thorough cleaning tool!
Choose a tab, press start and then either click a single item to delete or press the clean all button. It's just that easy.
There are various features available:
- Explorer is a full fledged filemanager, use it to crawl through your Androids files.
- You can use the Searcher if you know what file you are looking for.
- The CorpseFinder searches your device for orphaned items and compares those to the list of installed applications.
- AppControl lets you freeze, reset and remove applications (even system apps).
- The SystemCleaner scans your device and filters directories which contain unnecessary files. You an even create your own filters!
- You can optimize and shrink bloated databases to speed up access and free space.
- View your biggest files and find out what is hogging all the space.
- Find files that have been modified in the last X minutes.
- And more...
A few additional features as well as comfort and convenience functions can be unlocked by buying and installing the unlocker (SD Maid Pro).
SD Maid Pro is constantly being developed and designed very carefully.
Due to the vast amount of Android devices SD Maid Pro might not work perfectly on your device, in that case I would appreciate it if you give me a chance to fix it by contacting me.
If you have questions or concerns send me a mail (support@darken.eu). I usually respond quite quickly and will happily help you out.
An unfinished help document is avaiable here:
SD Maid [v4.5.0] - 12.12.2016
Added: Support for locations data_system_ce and data_system_de.
Added: Additional debugging options.
Added: Timestamps to new exclusions, preparing for future sort options.
Added: Android TV (leanback) support (#389).
Added: Debug option to run all tools.
Added: Debug option to disable the root check.
Improved: Clutter database.
Improved: User-interface, various small tweaks (e.g. #578).
Improved: Updated SD Maids internal toybox (bugfixes, removed ls applet, added pidof applet).
Improved: If statistics fail due to having no device space, gracefully continue instead of crashing.
Improved: UI performance/behavior related to the navigation drawer.
Improved: Bugreporting related to binary setup issues (toybox/busybox/sqlite3).
Improved: UI. Small tweaks to used strings, a bit of padding here and there.
Improved: Setup/Baseconditions task logic. Cleaner abort/continue behavior. Fixed a few issues that could lead to getting stuck in setup, having to kill SD Maid.
Improved: Multitasking behavior. Reboot tasks only make sense to be executed when everything else is done. To support this I've rewritten some chunks of SD Maids tasks-to-worker (each tool is a worker) distribution code.
Improved: If the statistics database corrupts, it now automatically resets itself.
Changed: SD Maids external tasks system to a simpler approach, previously functionality was overkill and convoluted. This should have positive effect on scheduler and widget actions. If it never worked on a specific ROM before, it might now.
Fixed: UI crash related to exiting a view when items were selected.
Fixed: Crash related to writing (copy/move) to external storage through the storage access framework.
Fixed: Crash related to storage access framework based access (external sdcards/portable storage).
Fixed: Crash related to deletion on external storage on Android 4.4 devices (provider trick).
Fixed: Crash related to initialization of SD Maids multiuser detection.
Fixed: Crash related to unlocker detection.
Fixed: Crash related to loading AppControl while either CorpseFinder or SystemCleaner was running.
Fixed: Android 4.4's "Provider trick" deletion method being used on other version too, where it obviously failed and slowed down deletion in edge cases (#595).
Fixed: Running apps detection on Android 7.0+ (#527).
Fixed: Floating action button not anchoring correctly (#610).
Improved: Extraction behavior to better deal with uncommon archives structures.
Improved: Error message when opening something (#612).
Fixed: A rare UI related crash when trying to open a file with an app that directly closes again.
Fixed: Crash when trying to create SystemCleaner user-filter based on an invalid item.
Fixed: UI issue when quickly opening the report dialog, then closing it.
Fixed: Empty searcher tasks failing in some cases instead of just listing the whole device.
Added: "Activity manager" which allows you to view all exported Activities an app may have, launch them or add them as shortcut to your home screen (requires SD Maid Pro).
Added: View apps internal/external storage location.
Added: Action to move apps to internal/external storage on rooted devices (requires SD Maid Pro).
Improved: Core routines related to creating and updating "App" objects. A more modular approach now makes it faster to update Apps accurately after actions changed their state/behavior. The new approach also allows easier addition of new app details.
Changed: A few layout and color details to make more sense (green running, blue frozen, force stopped in between).
Fixed: Don't crash if the ROM has no uninstall activity (wtf?).
Fixed: Receivers being no longer shown after disabling them.
Added: Filter for /mnt/secure/asec (#247).
Fixed: Failsafe check for asec related corpses which checks if the .asec file is currently mounted (and thus not yet a corpse).
Added: Filter for recent tasks, which deletes metadata and screenshots used to restore the the recent tasks list after reboots (#235).
Added: Filter to delete send/received files from Telegram (#609).
Improved: Analytics filter, added Adobe Analytics related files.
Improved: No longer require parent folder to contain the packagenames (fixes matching issues on the sdcard root).
Improved: Hidden cache filter.
Improved: Hidden cache filter matching. More aggressive matching against variants of the "tmp" folder.
Fixed: Bluetooth snoop log matching.
Storage analyzer
Fixed: Possible issue when browsing external storage on Android 5.0+ and base storage item has no parent.
Fixed: Being able to enable /cache without root.
Fixed: Filetree not being correctly updated after deleting something.
Added: Options to sort the list by state, app and size (#598).
Changed: Reduced default chronic limit to 3 days.
Added: Triggering QuickAccess through Android 7.1 "app-icon-shortcuts" (requires SD Maid Pro).
Improved: Progressbar behavior when tasks switch between "In queue" and working.
Added: Option to reboot the device after scheduler action complete.
Improved: Layout padding and tap behavior.
Added: Options to filter the list by type of exclusion (#600).
Improved: Exclusions are now sorted by their last modification time (#600).
Fixed: Being able to select locked exclusions in multiselect mode.
NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading SD Maid Pro - System Cleaning Tool 4.5.0 BETA Patched APK from given links below, please try to login first to those file hosting before download (it's free to create an account), make sure to uncheck "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads" if any. And then you can try to use UC Browser, you can download HERE (Direct Download)
SD Maid Pro - System Cleaning Tool 4.5.0 BETA Patched APK Posted on http://www.underclassblog.com/2016/12/sd-maid-pro-4-5-0-beta-patched-apk.html
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