You are here Viewing: Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget 6.0.3 APK (http://www.underclassblog.com/2017/02/chronus-pro-home-lock-widget-6-0-3-apk.html)
App Name: Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget
Version: 6.0.3
Package Name: com.dvtonder.chronus
Requirements: Android 4.2 and up
File Size: 13.9 MB

www.underclassblog.com — Welcome to Chronus, an elegant Home & Lock screen Clock, Weather, News feed and Calendar widget - now with Google Tasks support!
Functionally similar to its older brother the CyanogenMod cLock widget and brought to you by the same developers, this independently released, stand-alone widget brings the same elegant look and feel, enhanced with many new features and improvements, to the broader Android community.
As a flexible "Information" widget, Chronus is highly optimized in terms of CPU and data usage with the potential of replacing several other info widgets. Multiple Chronus widgets on the same device share the same back-end services and updates are batched. This makes the system use less battery while still providing the user with rich information. You can choose to use one or all of the features, those not used are completely disabled, using no CPU, data or battery.
Please note:
1) Details on the Permissions we use are available at http://goo.gl/EbMLmm
2) If you use the Xposed framework to bypass Android Widget API's, things will break!
Features (All versions):
Features (Pro version, available via in-app purchase): - Video @ https://youtu.be/REE8xpUBKRI
What's New
NOTE: We are removing Yahoo as a default weather provider. In recent months their service has become too unstable. There is nothing we can do about it, Yahoo has to fix their service.
Version 6.0 - Pixel+ Widget
New features:
- Pixel+ widget with Weather, Clock or Date style
- Add Google Weather as a weather tap option (Pro)
- Search tap action to launch Search or Google Now(Pro)
- Align date properly when alarm not shown
- RSS sources search and feed URLs
- General fixes
Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget 6.0.3 APK Posted on: http://www.underclassblog.com/2017/02/chronus-pro-home-lock-widget-6-0-3-apk.html
App Name: Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget
Version: 6.0.3
Package Name: com.dvtonder.chronus
Requirements: Android 4.2 and up
File Size: 13.9 MB

www.underclassblog.com — Welcome to Chronus, an elegant Home & Lock screen Clock, Weather, News feed and Calendar widget - now with Google Tasks support!
Functionally similar to its older brother the CyanogenMod cLock widget and brought to you by the same developers, this independently released, stand-alone widget brings the same elegant look and feel, enhanced with many new features and improvements, to the broader Android community.
As a flexible "Information" widget, Chronus is highly optimized in terms of CPU and data usage with the potential of replacing several other info widgets. Multiple Chronus widgets on the same device share the same back-end services and updates are batched. This makes the system use less battery while still providing the user with rich information. You can choose to use one or all of the features, those not used are completely disabled, using no CPU, data or battery.
Please note:
1) Details on the Permissions we use are available at http://goo.gl/EbMLmm
2) If you use the Xposed framework to bypass Android Widget API's, things will break!
Features (All versions):
- Fully functional Flex, Flex (Analog), Clock+, Clock+ (Dash), Dash, Google Tasks and Weather Widgets
- Highly customizable look and feel
- Weather panel with Yahoo!, OpenWeatherMap and yr.no weather providers
- Minimized weather widget support (for the lock screen)
- News Feed panel and built-in RSS sources and Internal Article Reader
- Calendar panel showing a scrollable list of upcoming events
- Highlight upcoming calendar events with custom colors and font bolding
- Backup and restore widget settings
- Add any two (2) DashClock Extensions in the Flex and 'Dash' widgets
- Built-in Gmail, Missed Calls, Calendar and Text Messages extensions
Features (Pro version, available via in-app purchase): - Video @ https://youtu.be/REE8xpUBKRI
- Additional Widgets (Forecast, Calendar, Clock+ (Forecast))
- Custom Tap actions for Clock, Weather and Calendar to launch apps or activities
- Change Clock and Weather panel alignment
- Change Analog clock style
- Month view Calendar style
- Calendar and Event colors
- Set Widget backgrounds
- Additional News providers (Feedly, Twitter)
- Daydream screensaver
- Status Bar Weather notifications
- Add unlimited DashClock Extensions
- Android Wear support
- Chronus Wear watch (Android Wear)
NOTE: We are removing Yahoo as a default weather provider. In recent months their service has become too unstable. There is nothing we can do about it, Yahoo has to fix their service.
Version 6.0 - Pixel+ Widget
New features:
- Pixel+ widget with Weather, Clock or Date style
- Add Google Weather as a weather tap option (Pro)
- Search tap action to launch Search or Google Now(Pro)
- Align date properly when alarm not shown
- RSS sources search and feed URLs
- General fixes
NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget 6.0.3 APK from given links below, please try to login first to those file hosting before download (it's free to create an account), make sure to uncheck "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads" if any.
Chronus Pro Home & Lock Widget 6.0.3 APK Posted on: http://www.underclassblog.com/2017/02/chronus-pro-home-lock-widget-6-0-3-apk.html
Add-ons Themes: Plex for Chronus 1.0 | Marshmallows Theme for Chronus 1.1 | UX 4 Weather Icons for Chronus 1.0 | Bhadra 1.0
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