27 October 2017

Weather Timeline - Forecast 10.5.1 APK


Weather Timeline - Forecast 10.5.1 APK

You are here, Viewing: Weather Timeline - Forecast 10.5.1 APK

App Name: Weather Timeline - Forecast
Version: 10.5.1
Package Name: com.samruston.weather
Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
File Size: 11.1 MB

Weather Timeline Forecast 10.5.1 APK Weather Timeline Forecast 10.5.1 APK

www.underclassblog.com — Weather Timeline is a simple weather app that focuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and the next week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast in a timeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information and has a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. The app includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosen locations.

. Simple, elegant design
. Bold use of color to increase legibility
. Watch Face
. Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at the information
. Local weather alerts front and centre
. Multiple weather provider options
. Great theme customisation options (choose colours)
. Easy to understand graphs and charts of temperature, rain etc...
. Android wear support
. Table layout
. Multi language support
. Multiple weather providers

What's New
• Increased size of temperature icon in status bar, if you want to use old style then go to notification settings and enable "add degrees symbol to status bar icon"
• Sort weather info (in interface) to choose which data is displayed, allowing temperature in both in F and C and golden hour time
• Right now card now shows you more info (customise in interface)
• New weather provider SMHI for Sweden
• Widget in style of Pixel weather widget
• Time Machine removed (see weathertimeline.com/time_machine.html)

NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading Weather Timeline - Forecast 10.5.1 APK from given links below, please try to login first to those file hosting before download (it's free to create an account), make sure to uncheck "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads" or similar, if any.

Weather Timeline - Forecast 10.5.1 APK Posted on: http://www.underclassblog.com/2017/10/weather-timeline-forecast-10-5-1-apk.html

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