You are here: http://www.underclassblog.com/2015/09/lightning-browser-plus-4-2-0a-apk.html, Viewing:
App Name: Lightning Browser +
Version: 4.2.0a
Package Name: acr.browser.lightning
Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
File Size: 2.0 MB

www.underclassblog.com — Experience the internet with the speed and simplicity of Lightning Plus, a web browser built to rival the giants. Browse fast on your Android phone or tablet, and see through a portal to infinite information.
● Design - Lightning's interface was carefully crafted so you can browse as efficiently as possible without sacrificing those features that mean the most to you. Tabs and Bookmarks are all tucked neatly away in side drawers, only a swipe away, allowing maximum screen viewing with minimal interference from the browser's chrome.
● Speed - By utilizing the WebKit rendering engine that comes built into your Android device, we can ensure a swift, lightweight experience that won't disappoint.
● Privacy - Use Incognito Mode to browse without leaving a footprint, download Orbot and turn on proxy support to mask your identify and location, use StartPage or DuckDuckGo for your search engine, or disable settings that you think leave you at risk. Whatever your concern, Lightning is here to help.
● Features - Full-screen, check. Adblock, check. Inverted Rendering, check. All the search engines you want, check. Search Suggestions, Bookmarks, History, User Agents, whatever you need, Lightning does it.
● Open-source - Just as Android open-source, so is Lightning. We believe that the best software is built when communities come together to engineer the best solution. Head over to the repository on GitHub to fork, contribute, or translate. Whoever you are, there's a place for you in open-source.
4.1.0a - Lollipop
- Added bookmark folder support - needs improvement, but it works!
- Improved full-screen mode (yay!)
- Settings revamp + translations (thanks community)
- Updated icons, cleaned up dialogs and messages, UI cleanup
- Fixed a few crashes and some other bugs
- Added actions to the bookmarks drawer
- Updated ad blocking list and added more material design
Other - Sorry for no update in a couple months - busy graduating and starting a job :)
- Hi from NYC, I live here now!
NOTE: If you experience difficulties with downloading Lightning Browser + 4.2.0a APK from given links below, please try to login first to those file hosting before download (it's free to create an account), and then you can try to use UC Browser, you can download HERE (Direct Download)
Lightning Browser + 4.2.0a APK Posted on: http://www.underclassblog.com/2015/09/lightning-browser-plus-4-2-0a-apk.html
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